hye ladies n gentlemen...
really dun know what to say today..
cuz im so2~ borink..theeee..~
if i knew from da start,,,i would go late for da interview..haisyh..
as we've been told by lecturers,,,we should be in college sharp @ 9 o'clock..
but da session start @ 12.30 pm..
FYI, i've got an official letter yesterday from my college administration..
according to da letter,,my friend;cik wani n i were given an off we did not have to go to school today..
*tp lg best kalo dapat pelepasan 2 hari terus...bole tido*
but unfortunately.,,going to da interview session today was more terrible n borink than going to school for teaching..
for da 20 selected students,,we were asked by lecs to stay in B10 room which we called as 'qurantine room'..
we couldn't go anywhere..bcoz they called us randomly..
we better stay in there..
we had no idea who would go first 4 da interview..
OMG...i felt really2 pressure @ dat moment..
people started to memorized their scripts n read bout mission n vision of our teaching college..
i really hate when it comes to memorize part..
bcoz i know dat im not good in memorizing something or facts..
but im good in memorizing my friend's birthday n phone numbers..ouh,,really??
its true laahhh...
do not underestimating me kayh...;P

pic sape tatao aku amik...hoho
after waiting n waiting 4 several hours..
thank god..everything went good today...
n insyaAllah we would get da accreditation from da MQA soon..pray for us kayh..
everybody had try their best by giving good answers to da panels..
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