ouh..internet connection mlm ni mmg agak terok..
ouh..internet connection mlm ni mmg agak terok..
pehal nk lost2 plak kn..smpai ati ko cik maxis..
arini pas balik dr skola trus singgah kedai runcit jp..
nk beli ape ye...?
nk beli ubi..
ye...aku nk beli ubi keledek..nape??ade masalah ke nk caye..??
dak laki kelas aku always underestimated me..
hoit..dun judge a teacher buy its physical experience ok..
they expect dat i cant do things like every girl use to do..
like housekeeping,,,cooking,,,,sewing...
eh..sewing??honestly tak reti laahh..
penah try,,tp asik kne gelak je ngan housemates aku..
hissk..its ok then..
i'll prove to u when im totally ready..aahhhaa~bile ntah..
actually aku nk wat kuih arini..semangat berkobar gile..
bukan pe..malu awh sbb kak sal a.k.a guru pembimbing aku asik blnje mkn n mcm2 lg..
ade2 je die nk kasik kt kitorg..*blushing*
kalo tiap2 ari org blnja naek berlemakla bdan aku neh...muahahah~!!
so,,as return,,aku nk wat kuihla kasik kt die..
mintak mahapla kak sal kalo2 kuih tu tak mncapai tahap piawai..heheh..
tp rasanya presentation kuih tu mmg 'A' lah...
betol2 hou leaw

da lama kot tak menggentel kuih sbb bz memanjang jek..
so memandangkan esok aku tak g skola sbb ada interview session ngn panel MQA,,
aku pon wat2 la rajin arini...
tak tido siang awh..*semlm tido lmbat kot*
aku wat dr uli smpai goreng n sampai sira ngan gula = kuih keria..
korang pnah mkn tak kuih neh..??
kalo tak pena sila dapatkan resipi dr aku ok..
credit to my assistant cik wani sbb sudi tolong aku..
*sian ko....gentel kuih smpai nk terlelap dow..kehkeh*
im not bullying or forcing her to do my work ok..
she volunteered herself to assist me..
so...what im waiting for??yes!i need ur help darl~...
agaknya kalo aku kept'genteling' kuih td smpai ke mlm pon tak siap kn...hohoho..
eh,,lupe lak...thanx to cik ika too...she helped me also just now..
jd tukang lenyek..hihihi..well done bebeh..
pas da siap gentel kuih keria...cik wani went to sleep..penat kot..
yela...semlm dia tido haruslah ngantok kn..

da siap semua,,,i called kak sal to confirm whether she was @ home or not..
kang g umah dia tak pasal2 takde org
then she answered dat she was on her way to pick up her eldest son @ tok jiring...*sumwhere in kuala terengganu*
she said dat no need to go to her house bcoz she was insisting to come to our house to take it herself..
she wanted to know where's our house located..
akak...da fact is our house is really nearby..heheh..
kua simpang jek da nampak umah akak..ahahahaha..
nila kuih kerianya...pena tengok??
arini pas balik dr skola trus singgah kedai runcit jp..
nk beli ape ye...?
nk beli ubi..
ye...aku nk beli ubi keledek..nape??ade masalah ke nk caye..??
dak laki kelas aku always underestimated me..
hoit..dun judge a teacher buy its physical experience ok..
they expect dat i cant do things like every girl use to do..
like housekeeping,,,cooking,,,,
eh..sewing??honestly tak reti laahh..
penah try,,tp asik kne gelak je ngan housemates aku..
hissk..its ok then..
i'll prove to u when im totally ready..aahhhaa~bile ntah..
actually aku nk wat kuih arini..semangat berkobar gile..
bukan pe..malu awh sbb kak sal a.k.a guru pembimbing aku asik blnje mkn n mcm2 lg..
ade2 je die nk kasik kt kitorg..*blushing*
kalo tiap2 ari org blnja naek berlemakla bdan aku neh...muahahah~!!
so,,as return,,aku nk wat kuihla kasik kt die..
mintak mahapla kak sal kalo2 kuih tu tak mncapai tahap piawai..heheh..
tp rasanya presentation kuih tu mmg 'A' lah...
betol2 hou leaw

da lama kot tak menggentel kuih sbb bz memanjang jek..
so memandangkan esok aku tak g skola sbb ada interview session ngn panel MQA,,
aku pon wat2 la rajin arini...
tak tido siang awh..*semlm tido lmbat kot*
aku wat dr uli smpai goreng n sampai sira ngan gula = kuih keria..
korang pnah mkn tak kuih neh..??
kalo tak pena sila dapatkan resipi dr aku ok..
credit to my assistant cik wani sbb sudi tolong aku..
*sian ko....gentel kuih smpai nk terlelap dow..kehkeh*
im not bullying or forcing her to do my work ok..
she volunteered herself to assist me..
so...what im waiting for??yes!i need ur help darl~...
agaknya kalo aku kept
eh,,lupe lak...thanx to cik ika too...she helped me also just now..
jd tukang lenyek..hihihi..well done bebeh..
pas da siap gentel kuih keria...cik wani went to sleep..penat kot..
yela...semlm dia tido haruslah ngantok kn..

da siap semua,,,i called kak sal to confirm whether she was @ home or not..
kang g umah dia tak pasal2 takde org
then she answered dat she was on her way to pick up her eldest son @ tok jiring...*sumwhere in kuala terengganu*
she said dat no need to go to her house bcoz she was insisting to come to our house to take it herself..
she wanted to know where's our house located..
akak...da fact is our house is really nearby..heheh..
kua simpang jek da nampak umah akak..ahahahaha..
nila kuih kerianya...pena tengok??
mcam kuih gelang pun ada.. tp manis la.. sy tak makan manis2.. sbb sy da manis kowt..
ReplyDeletehehe x)~
kuih keria kami xde guLa la taw na..
ReplyDeletemcm bdak brendam je kuih 2..
bkn keria kan ..kan..:P
badak berendam lain laa..
ReplyDeleteade kuah..
yg ni takde..
tp kalo mintak keria kat pasar ni die bagi kuih lain je..
ReplyDeletekuih yang dibuat dri gula perang n pastu digoreng rangup..kaler pun lain..
haa..kuih yang dlm pic na tu namenye cucur badak..:)
halu...encik alles..
ReplyDeletetu bukan cucur badak lah..
cucur badak dalam ada inti kelapa masak sambal..
mcm inti pulut udang tu..
hehe btul laa psl coq badaq 2..
ReplyDeletetersaLah lak chef..
maloo sehh..weks..
tp yg pntg kuih keria cik na x penah dijumpai apatah lagi dirasai oleh kte..
maybe its from other pLanet..yummy..