Wednesday, October 30, 2013

++apa ntah++


sedar tak sedar kandungan dah mencecah 9 minggu..alhamdulillah.
semoga Allah memelihara kesihatan ibu dan anak.

lama tak update blog.asal balik rumah mesti lembik macam sotong..huhu.
asik muntah je.
kalau nak makan pon kena makan siap2 kat luar before sampai rumah.
apa kena ntah dengan aku.bila kat rumah mesti selera makan terbantut.
berat makin turun..hurmm..need to do something to gain some strength..kalau tak kesian baby dalam tummy.

doakan aku ye kawan2.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

++second pregnancy++


Just a quick update for for ya'll know,im pregnant for a second child.
Very grateful to have this precious gift.alhamdulillah..:)

Therefore, the challenges are quite different.i mean,during the first pregnancy,i didnt have morning sickness at all..i was quite energetic, active and strong like non preggy lady.but this time, i frequently vomit..:(
I even cant eat like i used to. How sad..uhukuhuk.

Dizziness all the time is like my best friend now. When im at home, i would lye down on the couch for hours.i feel so weak like seriously.
I asked my husband to prescribe the best suppliment for this pregnant mummy..but then he said, i better eat more. Small portion but frequently.hurm.OK hunny..
i shouldn't be depending on the suppliment only..have to eat healthy foods.

Luckily, haiqal seems to understand his mama's condition..he's behaving at his best.Less cranky and always tries to cheer me up by landing his palms on my face.sometimes he kissed me on my cheek and my forehead and drew the sweetest smile on his face just to make me feel more relief..oh sweet...
I feel blessed for having him as my son.

my husband is such a big help too.
He's like a charming angel that eases my housework at home..
When he's at home, he will take charge to babysit haiqal..change his diaper, take him to shower and feed him..:D 
He treats me like a queen. Love my husband so much..!!

P/s:sangat2 bersyukur kerana dikelilingi oleh orang2 yang baik dan sangat caring.
Semoga Allah membalas jasa baik kalian semua.aminn..doakan saya dan baby sihat k.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

++dah rezeki Allah bagi...++


masih terasa tekak mengembang.
sentiasa nak muntah...:(
early stage of the first trimester symptoms.

pengalaman yang sangat berbeza kali ni..
masa mengandungkan haiqal dulu badan segar bugar..
sihat dan tak letih sangat..sampaikan orang luar yang tengok hairan.
tak macam orang mengandung pon.

apa2 pon aku redha..
bersyukur dengan rezeki yang dikurniakan Allah.
semoga Allah memelihara my second baby sebaiknya.